My name is Åsa Maria. I am a nutritional therapist from Sweden, currently living in the countryside of Herefordshire UK. I've studied Ayurvedic medicine in Sweden and India and nutritional therapy in the UK at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM).

My approach to health is centered around scientific research but also the naturopathic principles. This simply means supporting the body's ability to do what it was designed to do. We often get in the way of our own wellness when we lose sight of what we need to thrive. I strongly believe that when we honour the natural cycles and rhythms of our physiology we can heal or greatly improve most health conditions and imbalances.  Our bodies are constantly working to bring us back to balance, and with a nourishing diet and supportive lifestyle we can truly transform our health.

Health is a journey unique to every individual. I do not believe in fad diets, one size fits all or quick fixes. Nutritional science is my passion and I'm always researching and deepening my knowledge to be the best practitioner I can be. 

True to my Scandinavian nature I love being outdoors, hiking in the mountains, enjoying a relaxing stroll in the woods and sitting in a sauna.

I coach people on how to use Nutritional therapy to support issues like:

Digestion issues – indigestion, bloating & gas, acid reflux, constipation and general digestion discomfort.

On-going stress
  - an inability to relax, poor concentration, poor memory and brain fog.

Low energy and difficulty feeling motivated and present.

Poor sleep - difficulty falling asleep, waking up throughout the night and not feeling rested upon waking.

Mood imbalances – feeling anxious, depressed, frustrated for no apparent reason, irritated and on edge.

Hormonal symptoms - perimenopause/menopause symptoms like hot flushes, headaches, heavy periods, irregular periods, low libido, pms,  food cravings and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.



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